TDI is excited to announce that Smartrek Technologies, based in Québec Canada, providing remote monitoring for dewatering companies with a real-time uninterrupted view of their operations has joined The Dewatering Institute (TDI) as a Contributor Member.
Smartrek is trusted by construction dewatering professionals to have a real-time insight into their field operations, improve the management of their projects, eliminate unnecessary site visits, decrease their operational costs and meet their regulatory and environmental requirements.
At Smartrek Technologies, they believe that object connectivity can be easy, no matter the environment and the size of the network. They also believe that even massive object deployment can be done in a breeze by any personnel.
Smartrek is a prominent player in the IoT in that they supply both RF technologies and devices that touch the things, on the Internet of Things. They created SpiderMesh, a LPWAN proprietary True Cooperative Wireless Mesh Technology that enables connectivity of devices on completely private networks. Their wireless mesh technology can handle a virtually unlimited number of objects on the same gateway.
With this mesh technology, Smartrek delivers a powerful, modular platform for the Internet of Things and also offers a plug-and-play real-time monitoring system with a wide variety of sensors (flowmeter, pressure, temperature, water depth, tensiometer, soil moisture, ultrasonic level, equipment control, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, oxydo-reduction potential, etc.)
Dewatering Operations With Smartrek
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The Dewatering Institute is a platform bringing stakeholders in the global dewatering and groundwater control industry together. TDI’s purpose is to develop the Construction Dewatering, Mine Dewatering and Groundwater Control industry across the entire project life cycle.
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