Royal Eijkelkamp joins The Dewatering Institute as Company Member

News / 14 November 2022 by The Dewatering Institute / TDI
Credit : Royal Eijkelkamp

TDI is excited to announce that Royal Eijkelkamp, based in Giesbeek in the Netherlands, with its existing knowledge and expertise of soil and water specialists, has joined The Dewatering Institute as a Company Member. From field measurement equipment to smart sensoring and sampling and from Edelman augurs to sonic drilling, Royal Eijkelkamp has a wide range on offer.

From its early days as a village blacksmith, Royal Eijkelkamp has been focused on becoming the world’s preferred supplier of solutions, including one-stop shop solutions – for soil and water within the categories Land Degradation, Food Security, Urbanisation, Pollution, Land Development and Natural Resources.

Royal Eijkelkamp is represented by specially selected partners in five continents and in more than 9 countries. More than 100 years of experience have brought them a long way, but they are still motivated to do more, act better and serve our world. The best decisions are made based on high-quality data: the more data is collected over time, the better the insights gained. Thanks to long-time monitoring, parameters such as soil moisture, water level, water quality, or the discharge of a river can be studied in more detail, which gives insight on the influences of external conditions like evaporation, dehydration and water flow.

Their solutions help soil and water managers in their research and continuous monitoring of groundwater and surface waters. Alarms can be set for certain events so that action can be taken in time, like timely warnings of high water levels (floods), low water levels (drought) or polluted water.

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