All Resources
Planning, designing, installation, operation and decommissioning of a dewatering system expands over many specialised fields and disciplines. Our TDI resource page strives to house the resource and supplier information required required for a dewatering and groundwater control system.
As TDI grows the resource information will expand as well.
Centrifugal Pumps
A centrifugal pump is designed to move a fluid by means of the transfer of rotational energy from one or more driven rotors, called impellers. Typical applications are for over-pumping, use as booster pumps, fresh or seawater transfer, pipeline flooding and testing. These pumps come in a range of sizes and handling capabilities for various types of fluids.

Private: Asia Waterjet Equipment
AWE was formed out of a passion for solving challenging pumping applications in challenging environments whether they be hazardous areas, or difficult to pump product. We continue to deliver the most robust and reliable pumps in the market.
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Thompson Pump and Manufacturing Co, Inc.
Thompson Pump manufactures heavy-duty lines of high-quality portable pumps, ranging in size from 2”-18”, for use in varied applications in the areas of dewatering, construction, public works, mining, sewer/lift stations, and water/waste water. In addition, Thompson Pump sells a complete line of pumping accessories, including wellpoint and bypass systems.
More info https://www.thompsonpump.comPrivate: Franklin Electric
Franklin Electric is a market driven customer-orientated company. The main business activities of the Company are design, manufacture, and marketing of liquid handling solutions to wide range of industries.
More info Electric Submersible Pumps
Slimline Submersible pumps are cylindrical in shape, with the bottom half made up of a sealed pump motor connected to a power source above ground. The motor drives a series of impellers, used to drive water up the pipe. Submersible pumps come in a range of sizes and fluid handling capacities. They are a popular option for the use in water supply boreholes and deepwell dewatering systems.
Private: Franklin Electric
Franklin Electric is a market driven customer-orientated company. The main business activities of the Company are design, manufacture, and marketing of liquid handling solutions to wide range of industries.
More info Numerical Modeling
Groundwater models are computer models of groundwater flow systems, and are used by hydrogeologists and dewatering system designers. The models are used to simulate and predict aquifer conditions. The mathematical or the numerical models are usually based on the real physics the groundwater flow follows and provides a powerful analysis and design tool in the area of construction and mine dewatering. These models are also called mathematical, numerical, or computational groundwater models.

Spring 5
From underground mining to water supply, groundwater remediation and geothermics: SPRING’s innovative soft- ware system provides optimal support for all your planning and consulting projects. Whether you want to simulate groundwater flow, heat flux, contaminant transport proces- ses, or surface-groundwater interaction – SPRING offers intuitive support for the development of three-dimensional models accomodating all essential information using the Finite Element method – flexible, precise and realistic.
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MicroFEM for Windows is a Finite-Element computer program for Multiple-Aquifer Steady-State & Transient groundwater flow modeling.
Monitoring in the dewatering industry is important over the entire lifecycle of a dewatering project. Monitoring not only plays an important part in the performance of a dewatering system to ensure smooth running, but also in the impact on adjacent structures, water quality, equipment and component performance, aquifer monitoring and many more. Monitoring regimes range from simple parameter measurement or fully automatic integrated SCADA systems. As TDI develops, the monitoring on all levels of our industry would also be expanded under this section.

Schift Solutions
Schift provides specialist remote sensing consultancy and contractor services, introducing innovative technologies for geotechnical and structural health monitoring to successfully manage project risk
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Private: iFLUX
iFLUX delivers the next generation water monitoring solutions, based on a real-time IoT sensor network and integrated data system, using artificial intelligence to improve environmental risk assessment by visualizing and integrating the dynamics of groundwater and groundwater pollution.
Future resource
As TDI grows, so will our resource base. Please contact us to add your resource information, technical details and product information here.
More info http://dewateringinst.comDrilling
Drilling works form an important part of a dewatering and groundwater control system. Drilling is required for dewatering wells, soil improvement, site investigation, geotechnical investigation, recharge wells, groundwater cut-off installation for example. The suppliers of equipment and drilling rigs are key to the dewatering industry.

Drillserv International
Drillserv is a deep drilling contractor in the water and shallow oil sector with capacity to drill to 1200m. We sepcialise in Qatar in water wells, deep disposal wells and oilfield Topholes.
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Private: Terra Sonic International LLC
Terra Sonic International (TSi) is the only sonic drill rig manufacturer in the world that is committed exclusively to sonic drilling technology—Sonic Rigs, Sonic Heads, and Terra Sonic Tooling. TSi provides contractors with Sonic Drill Rigs to perform dewatering services throughout the world.
More info Layne, A Granite Company
Layne, A Granite Company, provides sustainable solutions for water resources and mineral services. Originally established in 1882, Layne offers a rich history of delivering safe, professional, and reliable water and minerals solutions throughout North America. Granite acquired Layne and its subsidiaries in the fall of 2018, to further Granite's strategy to grow through acquisition and diverse end market expansion.
Royal Eijkelkamp
Royal Eijkelkamp's companies produce and supply products and services for soil and water research
More info Test Analysis Software
Pumping test analysis software are powerful tools widely used in the industry to analyse water-level response data in pumped aquifer systems.

MLU is a Windows program for aquifer test analysis (pumping tests) and drawdown calculations of well flow in layered aquifer systems with (semi)confined and unconfined conditions.
More info https://www.microfem.comGroundwater Treatment

Vietti Slurrytec (Pty) Ltd
Metallurgical specialists with unique clay expertise focusing on the generation of design data through test work followed by vendor independent equipment sizing and optimisation.
More info www.ViettiSlurrytec.comFuture resource
As TDI grows, so will our resource base. Please contact us to add your resource information, technical details and product information here.
More info http://dewateringinst.comSubmersible Dewatering Sump & Sewage Pumps
Dewatering and groundwater control projects is built up out of many different fields of specialities and equipment categories. As TDI develops, so would our resources. Please contact us to contribute by presenting your resource.

Power-Flo Pumps and Systems, A Power-Flo Technologies Company.
Their products offer consistent quality standards, premium materials of construction, third party certification and reliable performance.
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