TDI is thrilled to announce that O2DIT who are based in The Netherlands have joined The Dewatering Institute (TDI) as a Company Member.
O2DIT are committed to the most sustainable solution technology in rainwater infiltration and return dewatering of groundwater.
The standard in rainwater infiltration and return of dewatering.
The O2DIT Foundation is committed to putting DSI®/FHVI on the map as the sustainable solution for rainwater infiltration and return dewatering. In this way, urban areas remain in control of the consequences of climate change.
The future in rainwater infiltration and return drainage.
The climate is changing rapidly. Periods of extreme drought and intense rainfall alternate. It is expected that this will continue into the future. And that entails risks. For example, sewer systems that are not designed to handle extreme rainfall and cannot be adjusted accordingly resulting in more frequent flooding in urban areas.
The O2DIT Foundation sees that this can be done differently, “We cannot change the climate but we can change the way we deal with this change”. That is why they are committed to proven sustainable infiltration techniques, DSI®/FHVI, which is not an alternative to conventional systems, but the future standard.
What is FHVI and DSI®
Fast High Volume Infiltration (FHVI) is the scientific name for the most efficient infiltration technique for the drainage of rainwater and return dewatering of groundwater. The technique was originally discovered by pioneer Werner Wills, he discovered that you can drain large amounts of water more quickly if you tap into a specific permeable layer. It is therefore important to locate the correct infiltration point. Werner Wills patented this technique, which he called DSI. which stands for ‘DüsenSaugInfiltration’.
For whom is DSI®/FHVI interesting?
Infiltration of rainwater.
The DSI® technology is a sustainable and effective solution for municipalities and companies dealing with flooding after heavy rainfall both DSI®/FHVI is an excellent combination with disconnecting rainwater from the sewer. The system takes up little space and is therefore highly suitable for urban areas.
DSI®/FHVI for return dewatering of groundwater.
The DSI® technology is perfect for return dewatering of groundwater as it ensures that large amounts of groundwater close to a work site can re-infiltrate into deeper layers of the soil more quickly. The result is a dry construction pit, in addition, it is cheaper and faster than traditional return drainage.
What O2DIT do.
The O2DIT Foundation focuses on research and awareness of this infiltration technique, by funding independent scientific research they ensure that DSI®/FHVI is recognized as the system for the future and by sharing this knowledge, conducting pilots, seeking out the press and entering into dialogue with relevant partners they hope that municipalities and companies will become aware of the need of DSI®/FHVI.
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