The Dewatering Institute welcomes new Advisory Council Members

News / 15 April 2021 by TDI
Credit : The Dewatering Institute

Welcome to our new Advisory Council Members as part of the TDI team. As we have continued to grow and expand our network, we are pleased to announce our new Advisory Council Members, who will assist in promoting the dewatering community and improving and expanding the offering of TDI. Our new members all have significant experience in the various areas of the dewatering industry, working in different sectors and geographical regions. They will expand TDI’s current Advisory Council Members and serve alongside Christoffel Botha, Dr. Kym Morton, Prof. Kai Witthausen and Peter Brooke.

Timothy D. Lynch – Roscoe Moss 

Tim has been employed by Roscoe Moss Company since 1979 and currently serves as its President. Over the last 42 years he has been involved with production wells for municipal supply, irrigation wells for large commercial growers, water supply wells for mineral processing, aquifer storage and recovery wells, along with dewatering wells used for controlling water levels in mines  and construction related groundwater control. 

He is a committee member of AWWA  A-100, responsible for development of water well standards and member of the ASTM D18 subcommittee responsible for standards related to design and construction of monitoring wells.  Business related activities have provided Tim the opportunity to travel and work in over 50 countries throughout the Americas, Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia.

Eur Ing Dr Stephen Thomas – OGI Groundwater Specialists 

Stephen is a British and European Chartered Civil Engineer, having over 40 years of experience solving groundwater problems in the Construction and Energy Industries. Stephen is Founder & Managing Director of OGI Groundwater Specialists Ltd, established in 1989 to Design & Install Groundwater Control and Dewatering Systems for a range of both large and small construction projects.

Stephen is also a specialist in Mathematical Modelling of groundwater and geotechnical behaviour, having written a number of Finite Element models, which are used to design efficient dewatering systems which have been constructed in numerous projects worldwide. Together with his team at OGI, Stephen has received a number of Ground Engineering Awards for Technical Excellence in the field of Groundwater and Geotechnical Engineering.

Jaap Berendsen – Siltbuster Ltd

Jaap is specialised in Construction Dewatering and Water Treatment with over 15 years experience in these areas and is currently heading up the international division for Siltbuster Ltd. He has had the opportunity to work on key projects in Europe, North America and the Middle East on both the Consultant, Contractor and Specialist Sub-Contractor’s side. The projects he has been involved in range from singular de-ironing water treatment plan to full-scale groundwater control at 21 different construction sites located in Copenhagen for the city’s metro extension. 


The fundamentals of TDI are Education, Knowledge Sharing, Best Practices and Networking, which we bring to live through our website’s knowledge centre, by providing events, webinars and training courses, all backed up by a sophisticated marketing campaign to expand the exposure of TDI and its members.

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