TDI Interview with Bas Davies.

Insights / 15 November 2023 by TDI
Credit : Bas Davies

As part of The Dewatering Institute ‘s commitment towards knowledge sharing, TDI is developing a series of monthly interviews with industry leaders, and professionals from different parts of the world. One of the month’s editions features Bas Davies who will be presenting for Henk van Tongeren Water & Techniek in name of the Foundation O2DITThe DSI/FHVI technique and the history’ on the 29th of November 2023.

Can you tell us more about your work history and how you got into the dewatering industry?

I achieved my Bachelors in Land-and Water Management 6 years ago. After that I did have some doubts in whether I should start working straight away, but luckily I found a job with Henk van Tongeren Water & Techniek. The past few years I have specialized in dewatering and is currently working as a Junior Geohydrologist, Project leader, where I can combine my knowledge I have gathered over the past years within the job.

In your opinion, what has been the biggest development in the industry through the years?

I don’t have a “Biggest Development” as yet with in the industry, but I think if will definitely come soon, for example coping with climate change.

What are the biggest challenges that you’ve seen in the industry over the past few years, and what do you see as potential challenges in the future?

I haven’t been working that long so it is difficult to say. But I think the biggest challenges that we will face in the Netherlands will be a tight labor market, the water quality issues and climate change – drought and heavy rainfall will be a big issue for the next coming years.

What would you recommend to the new generations like yourself coming into this industry and why?

I have just start working in our beautiful sector myself, but we will need enthusiastic people who are curious in how water flows and how we can cope with the challenges that will face us in the future, namely climate change.

What aspects of the industry do you think need improving? 

Collaborating with other companies in the world within our industry, sharing founded techniques on how we can face climate change.

Why do you think TDI is important for the industry and how it can help the industry develop?

TDI gives us a stage to showcase the work we do and innovative ideas from other companies around the world. We need to share these ideas to help in developing our industry.

What is your life motto?

Together we can face the world.

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