A Wellpoint Dewatering System is a cost-effective way to lower groundwater levels and create a dry work environment around an excavation. It uses a series of small wellpoints that are installed close together and connected to a pump. The pump creates a vacuum, separates air and water, and pumps water to a discharge point.
Watch the video below to learn all about Wellpoint Systems and how they work.
Small excavations, low & high permeability soils, shallow aquifers

Wellpoint dewatering is a specialized method employed in construction and excavation projects to lower the groundwater table and create a dry work environment. It involves the installation of closely spaced small-diameter pipes, known as wellpoints, into the ground. These wellpoints are connected to a common header pipe, and a vacuum or low-pressure pump is used to draw water from the surrounding soil, lowering the water table within the wellpoint influence zone.
Deep excavations, high permeability soils, deep aquifers.

A deep well dewatering system is a sophisticated groundwater control method used in construction projects, mining, and environmental remediation efforts where lowering the water table to a considerable depth is necessary. This system involves the installation of deep wells that penetrate into the aquifer or saturated soil layers. These wells are equipped with pumps capable of extracting large volumes of water from substantial depths.
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