Lowering groundwater more than 30 feet (ft.) below ground surface during construction of the 30-story high-rise building in Downtown Houston.
The project consisted of the construction of a 30-story high-rise building with 2 levels of below grade parking. The deepest subgrade (approximately ±30 ft. below grade) extended to a depth below the water table (which sat approximately 16.5 ft. below grade). An engineered dewatering solution was required to lower groundwater below the proposed excavation.
Griffin installed a deep well dewatering system to assist in control of groundwater to allow construction to be conducted in a safe and efficient manner. Twenty (20) wells were drilled surrounding the shored excavation. Griffin also installed a piezometer at each deep well to monitor water levels All wells and piezometers were drilled to a depth of ±70 ft. and were completed with well screen, casing, and gravel pack. Griffin also furnished and installed a well pump system consisting of twenty (20) each 1.0 to 2.0hp, 460v/3 phase electric submersible pumps. Each pump was equipped with valves/fittings and on grade electrical distribution. Griffin provided the electric wiring to the pump control panels at each well location. Effluent from each well was directed through a common manifold (approximately ±800 ft.) to the designated discharge point. The total flow for the deep well dewatering system was approximately 250 GPM.
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