Henk van Tongeren joins The Dewatering Institute as Founding Member

News / 25 May 2021 by The Dewatering Institute / TDI
Credit : Henk van Tongeren

Henk van Tongeren Water en Techniek, a Dewatering Contractor from The Netherlands and 3rd generation family owned business, has joined The Dewatering Institute as a Founding Member.

“Henk van Tongeren is a progressive company and eager to share our knowledge and network with other members in the global community. TDI offers us the opportunity to work together with fellow members and to contribute towards the future of the dewatering industry, improving its way of working. We look forward to contributing and sharing our expert experience to and benefit from the TDI training courses offered in the coming time and be a part of the best practise development in the future.” says Guido van Tongeren owner of Henk van Tongeren.

Henk van Tongeren as part of TDI

“Having a new international member join our TDI community will benefit us and our members greatly, expanding our network globally. Henk van Tongeren is a key player  in the Dutch market and has extensive knowledge, based on years of expertise and as such will be a valuable asset to our community. From discussions with Henk van Tongeren’s management it is evident that current and future technological developments are a big part of their company’s culture. TDI was built with knowledge sharing and best practices as part of our fundamentals; having companies from all over the world with years of experience in the industry as our founding members, helps us achieve this. We anticipate working closely together in expanding and promoting the industry” says executive member of the TDI Advisory Council and industry professional, Christoffel Botha.

A Company Overview

Henk van Tongeren has over 70 years of technical experience and delivers versatile solutions in the field of water and technology to both business customers and the government in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. They put water to work to get major infrastructure, construction and water projects moving, to support governments with their water management and to help the world move forward, making use of sustainable and innovative installation and groundwater techniques.

Join us now!

The Dewatering Institute is a platform bringing stakeholders in the global dewatering and groundwater control industry together. TDI’s purpose is to develop the Construction Dewatering, Mine Dewatering and Groundwater Control industry across the entire project life cycle.

The fundamentals of TDI are Education, Knowledge Sharing, Best Practices and Networking, which we bring to live through our website’s knowledge centre, by providing webinars, in-house training courses and events, all backed up by a sophisticated marketing campaign to expand the exposure of TDI and its members.

Join our community today @ The Dewatering Institute. For any further questions you can reach out to admin@dewateringinst.com

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