Ferrer joins The Dewatering Institute as Contributor member

News / 10 May 2021 by TDI / TDI
Credit : Ferrer

Ferrer, a Dewatering Contractor from Spain, has joined The Dewatering Institute as a Contributor Member. 

Ferrer has over 105 years of professional practice and presently applies computational analysis and develops machinery-tools to execute hydrogeological projects. This is done specifically for Dewatering and Bypass Pumping in engineering projects. Their services include:  integral control, hydrogeological characterization, wells and drills, comprehensive service.

Ferrer within TDI 

“We want to optimize the use of resources, to take advantage of the opportunities offered by technological development. This is why joining TDI will be to a great advantage and help us achieve our goals.” Says Alejandro Jose Ferrer, Chief Executive Officer of Ferrer. 

“The Dewatering Institute currently focuses its efforts in expanding the network and broadening the industry knowledge. Currently, Ferrer has presence in Panama, Peru, Columbia, Bolivia, Mexico, Cuba, Morocco, France, Italy and the UK, with their headquarters based in Spain. By gaining members like Ferrer, that are experts in their field and has a presence internationally, it enables us to broaden our network, thus fulfilling our fundamentals.” says Executive member of the advisory Council, Christoffel Botha. 

Ferrer and their mission

Ferrer, within their innovative commitment, continues to implement new drilling and pumping techniques additionally, new technologies for the capture and processing of field data, which in turn improves efficiency. With all the activities that are carried out, the company expresses its commitment to society and aims to be its ally in sustainable development issues supported by technology. 

Ferrer projects its vision in being a reference company in the integral control of ground watering (Dewatering)and surface water(Unwatering), in the field of hydrology applied to mining, civil engineering works, building and environment.

Join our TDI Community Today!

The Dewatering Institute is a platform bringing stakeholders in the global dewatering and groundwater control industry together. TDI’s purpose is to develop the Construction Dewatering, Mine Dewatering and Groundwater Control industry across the entire project life cycle.

The fundamentals of TDI are Education, Knowledge Sharing, Best Practices and Networking, which we bring to live through our website’s knowledge centre, by providing events, webinars and training courses, all backed up by a sophisticated marketing campaign to expand the exposure of TDI and its members.

Join our community today @ The Dewatering Institute. For any further questions you can reach out to enya@dewateringinst.com

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