DFI 145 Annual Conference on Deep Foundations
Conference Summary and Schedule
The DFI45 conference organizing committee and staff are pulling together an interactive technical program that showcases and celebrates the hard work, passion, connections, technologies and professionalism that drive the deep foundations industry worldwide. The program will include a variety of technical sessions including presentations selected from the submitted papers, talks invited from industry, and panel discussions addressing timely topics. We are using a dynamic online conference platform to connect and engage our deep foundations community. The platform features live stream and On Demand (pre-recorded) presentations, an interactive exhibit hall, a variety of casual and topic-driven networking opportunities, and high-visibility sponsorship and advertising opportunities. Schedule at a Glance:
Tuesday, Oct. 27 – Pre-Conference: Welcome and online platform tutorial, Exhibits, Awards Reception including Outstanding Project Award winner presentation, online welcome reception
Wednesday, Oct. 28 – Conference Day 1: Virtual DFI Educational Trust 5K Fun Run/Walk, Exhibits, Opening Keynote and Plenary and Technical Sessions
Thursday, Oct. 29 – Conference Day 2: Exhibits, Technical Sessions, Members Meeting, Young Professor and Student Paper Competition winner presentations
Friday, Oct. 30 – Conference Day 3: Exhibits, Technical Sessions, and Closing Plenary
Event website: https://events.american-tradeshow.com/45thannualconference
Additional Details
Cost - Visit event page for details