TDI Training Webinar Series – Groundwater Control for Earth Retaining Structures: Eur Ing Dr Stephen D. Thomas (OGI)
In an effort to raise the standards and quality of the dewatering industry worldwide and increase knowledge sharing within the community, TDI is providing a range of free webinar training courses, developed in cooperation with our members, for our members, followers and the wider dewatering community.
This webinar is presented by OGI Groundwater Specialists Ltd, Eur Ing Dr Stephen D. Thomas and will discuss Groundwater Control for Earth Retaining Structures. How to control groundwater inside, outside and beneath earth retaining structures to ensure a safe & stable working environment.
This event is free for all TDI members and followers. To register click here, for more information send an email to Enya.
Feel free to make use of this time zone converter to not miss out on the webinar. Registrations close at 9am (SAST) on the 30th of March, so please be sure to register before this time.
See below for additional information.
This seminar will provide a unique insight into the challenges encountered during the design and implementation of groundwater control systems for the mitigation of risks to earth retaining structures.
Dr Thomas will present how to control groundwater inside, outside and beneath earth retaining structures to ensure a safe & stable working environment.
Discover the theory behind the mechanism of groundwater control, together with gaining an understanding of the techniques used in practice.
A series of case studies will be used to illustrate effective Groundwater Control and Pore-water Pressure Relief techniques, within and surrounding earth retaining structures, including:
Jacked and underpinned shafts, concrete secant / contiguous pile walls, diaphragm walls, steel sheet piled and combi walls, king post walls, soil nailed earth embankments and reinforced anchor walls.
Dr Thomas will present the Active & Passive groundwater control system constructed for the widening of the Seaforth Passage, Liverpool.
Part 1: Groundwater Control for Excavations in Phreatic, Artesian and Flowing Artesian Ground Conditions.
Part 2: Groundwater Control for Excavations using impermeable cut-off Walls and Reinforced Steep Slopes.